Friday, 14 February 2014

Start Planning for Car Boot Sale Season with Ground Protection

At the time of writing, we might still be in the depths of the winter months but it will only be a few weeks before people all around the country will start looking forward to spring and the summer beyond. Springtime not only delivers the promise of warmer weather to come but we also see the first sprinkling of the events that have become a British institution – the car boot sale.

Across the British Isles and perhaps even beyond, people in villages, towns and cities will be rifling through their belongings wondering what they can take to the next car boot sale. All of those unwanted Christmas presents will probably be first on the list (if they didn't already end up in the charity shops during the first week of January), as we hope to recover some of the cash that we really shouldn't have spent over the festive period. Perhaps there are things around the house we have been meaning to throw out for years but have since seen on one of those many antique, bargain TV programmes might actually be worth something, so we kept hold of them and plan on trying to get a few pennies for them at the boot sale.

With a bit of careful planning, a boot sale can provide some much needed extra income, especially during difficult economic times – every penny counts.

The sales themselves are usually held on fields or car parks, perhaps on a piece of land next to a pub or village hall. However, despite the improving weather, the potential for a torrential downpour is always a possibility in the UK and longer spells of wet weather is also a possibility. If you are the organiser of a car boot sale, then you may want to beat the weather and hopefully avoid a cancellation or postponement by planning some protection for the ground and venue of the event.

With cars (obviously) and people (also obviously) likely to be moving across the ground, it doesn't take long for the ground to become a quagmire in wet weather. Ground protection mats are the ideal solution as they can not only serve as a temporary car park but also as walkways for the buyers and sellers to move about on.

Over on the main Ground Access Hire website, you can find much more information about how to protect your ground by using these special mats to ensure your event is a complete success.

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