Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Planning For the Summer with Ground Access Hire

After a particularly grim winter, most people will be turning their attentions to the upcoming summer months and hoping for far better weather than has been on offer in the last 12 months. You might even be planning your own summer event, whether it’s a festival (large or small), an outdoor wedding with reception to follow or even a series of car boot sales.

If you are hosting an event such as this on a piece of land that is normally a field (public or private) or even on a large private garden, then you are probably already considering the best way to protect the ground.
Here at Ground Access Hire (view our main website by following the link) we offer solutions for a range of different situations in which the ground needs to be protected in some way.

Ground protection mats are absolutely ideal for the sorts of events and functions mentioned above and can be used in a range of different environments such as fields, gardens, car parks and even beaches!
When wet weather does unfortunately present a problem at our summer fetes and festivals, the ground protection mats can either help to prevent a build up of mud or make the ground safer if mud has already accumulated.

Despite being really strong, these mats are also very light and easy to manage. Depending on your requirements and the size of your event, you could either put the mats into position yourself or ask the Ground Access Hire team to install them for you. Hopefully, we will see better weather this year, but this is the UK after all and the next deluge is never too far away!

If you are planning a special occasion outdoors this summer, please visit our website for lots more information about how you can protect your surface.

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